Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Song Wicked Games - 1697 Words

Today, it seems as if men dominate the entertainment industry (mainly the singer/artist category) due to them not having as many expectations or requirements to be able to join it as women do. Since men are dominating the industry, it is more common to hear about their masculine identity and experiences throughout their songs. I chose the song Wicked Games by The Weeknd, which was released in 2012 through his first album, Trilogy. I thought it would be interesting to analyze a song that he wrote and produced before he became truly famous. It is common for artists to change the way they portray themselves (through songs) once fame hits, therefore the earlier the song was produced, the more genuine their lyrics will be. This song†¦show more content†¦Hegemonic masculinity is the societal norms that men are supposed to uphold and conform to. Men are viewed as the head of the household, the breadwinner, father figure, and anything that feeds into the concept of being a normative heterosexual male. They all enforce the image of a successful, independent, strong (etc.) man. Typically, all these norms are supposed to represent what a real man is. Based on all these norms that men are forced to live under, they create a hierarchy between masculinities. For example, a man that is a white, heterosexual, able-bodied man is considered to be more of a man than a Hispanic, heterosexual, disabled man. This is all due to their intersecting identities which give them the power to be considered a real man. When a man fails to obey the concepts of hegemonic masculinity, their manhood starts to get questioned. Society starts to question men that are not a part of the dominant intersecting inequalities (such as being a white, heterosexual man). They are viewed as not following the true concept of being a hegemonic masculinity, which is looked down upon in society. Throughout the song, Wicked Games, there are many examples of hegemonic masculinity, whether its subtle or upfront. In order for men to show their hegemonic masculinity, they need to be wage-earners of society. Look at all this cash†¦I emptied out my cards, too and (bring your body, baby) I could bring you fame represents how men are flaunting theirShow MoreRelatedThe Heroes of History and Poetry1086 Words   |  4 Pagescourage.† (Adler 195) Adler’s unique analysis of courage includes a depiction of tragic heroes and war heroes, which touched on each type of hero. Pop culture holds a wide variety of courageous examples. 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